BIaaS - Business Intelligence as a Service

We at Brilliant are the pioneers of BIaaS - Business Intelligence as a Service.
We've successfully implemented this service, in one shape or form with our various clients for over 10 years.
Brilliant has experience of delivering BIaaS across numerous industries including Retail, Manufacturing, Non-Profit, Medical, Governmental and Higher Education.

What is BIaaS?

Leaning on our deep experience, we’ve developed a rapidly deployed, simple and afforable approach to help you effectively capitalize on your data.
BIaaS - Business Intelligence as a Service, is the solution to turbocharge your organization.

With the best in cutting-edge data analytics, for a predictable fee, managed by experts.  It’s a white-glove service that allows you to focus on your core mission.

We provide your organization and team the tools to amplify their impact - leading to higher sales, greater quality and increased customer satisfaction.

With BIaaS - you don't need to worry about any aspects for empowering your organization to win with data.
We ensure your Business Intelligence is a capability, not a liability.

Teams benefit from deep experience, best-of-breed methodologies, tools and experience to help them be more data-driven and use your data optimally.

Our experts are standing by for deployment at short-notice.
For both short-term or long-term engagements without commitments.
Coordinated by a dedicated contact point, your Analytics Account Partner, they're at your disposal to provide the following key services for your organization.

SERVICES PROVIDED - 8 Distinct Roles

Database Administration

  • Tableau / Qlik / PowerBI / Looker Developer

  • Data Pipeline Developer

  • Business Analyst

  • Support Desk

  • Training and Knowledge-Base

  • Systems Administration

  • Project Management

SERVICING 4 Core Competencies

  • Development

  • Training

  • Maintenance

  • Support

BIaaS provides multiple capabilities for a predictable and low cost

BIaaS provides multiple capabilities for a predictable and low cost

When do I need BIaaS?

Average time to hire is 42 days
— Brilliant State of Business Intelligence Hiring Report Q1 2023

Organizations that don't use data to their advantage will lose valuable opportunities to competition.
Few business functions deliver as much value and competitive edge as taking advantage of your data.
Done well, you ensure the best experience for your customers, whilst ensuring your business is working for you.
A challenge for every small-to-medium sized organization, without a dedicated data and analytics team, getting fast and accurate insights from your data is a daunting task.
Partnering with Brilliant's BIaaS you're guaranteed a sharp analytics edge whilst allowing you to keep your energies and focus for your core business.

BIaaS - Business Intelligence as a Service is cheaper than rolling your own in-house.

BIaaS - Business Intelligence as a Service is cheaper than rolling your own in-house.

According to our January 2023 report: State of Business Intelligence Hiring

  • Average time to hire = 42 days

  • Average cost-to-company for a Senior BI = $267K

  • Annual cost-to-company to hire all 8 roles = $2.1M

What do I get from Brilliant's BIaaS?

  • Hit the ground running.  Subscribe to trusted analytics professionals that are experienced in your industry

  • Win immediate results.

  • No commitment…No Sickness / PTO / etc.

  • Business Continuity Guaranteed

  • Switch on your Business Intelligence capability now.

How do I get BIaaS?

Get in touch with us at to start your BIaaS journey now.


Low-cost surveys to engage the world - Brilliant Surveys


Different Models available in Machine Learning